My Home Campus
Fully Online Courses Transferable for Credit

The following online courses will transfer for credit to CAL MARITIME as a General Education (GE) requirement, specific course fulfillment, or an elective.

Note: Even if the “CSU GE Area” or “Course EQ/GE Area” columns are empty, you may still receive GE or course-to-course credit. Please contact the Registrar’s Office at your campus to verify how a course will transfer.

Get started and explore online courses!
  1. Click the arrow to view course details, including the enrollment period and home campus transfer information.

  2. You can also use the search box and filtering to narrow your results.

  3. To request enrollment in a course, visit your student portal by clicking “Request Enrollment.”

The Fall 2024 schedule will be posted on May 16.
CourseMatch () courses open for enrollment on July 1.
CourseMatch () courses open for enrollment on December 1. Enrollment for all other courses opens on the date set by each host campus.
Spring 2024 enrollment is closed for all campuses.
CAL MARITIME registration dates: 12/01/2023 - TBD.
During this window eligible CAL MARITIME students may submit an enrollment request through the Enroll in CSU Fully Online link in self-service.
Click the arrow to the left of a course to view course details, including the enrollment period, meeting times for synchronous courses, prerequisites and home campus transfer information.
Delivery options include asynchronous (A) for courses with no scheduled meeting days and times and synchronous (S) for courses with scheduled meeting days and times, and bichronous (B) for courses with both synchronous and asynchronous delivery methods.
See the Course selection and approval section on the FAQ page for tips on searching the schedule.
Advising on potential course options and confirmation on transferability is provided by your campus. Before enrolling in any course, we recommend you meet with a professional advisor to discuss course selection and confirm the class(es) meet a needed course requirement.
CourseMatch: Courses denoted with a star icon () open for enrollment on December 1 and have a small number of guaranteed seats for visiting students.
About CSU Fully Online Courses
What is Fully Online?

Fully Online is a cross-enrollment program that allows matriculated CSU students to concurrently take one online course at another CSU campus at no additional tuition cost.* Students must meet eligibility criteria to participate.

You’re Eligible for CSU Fully Online If:

✔ You’ve completed at least one term at a CSU campus as a matriculated student in a state-supported program** and earned at least 12 units at that campus. Incoming transfer students will not need to meet the 12 earned units and are eligible to enroll their first semester provided all other criteria are met.

✔ Your GPA is at least 2.0 at your campus and you are in good standing.

✔ You are or will be enrolled at your campus during the time you’re taking a fully online class through another CSU campus.

✔ You’ve paid all your tuition as a full-time student.

Enrolling in CSU Fully Online Program Courses
Be sure you’re aware of these conditions for enrollment:
  1. Your concurrent enrollment is approved only for the term specified and is subject to space availability and the registration priority policies at the host campus.

  2. Academic advising is available to you only at your home campus.

  3. You can participate in CSU Fully Online programs only at campuses that follow the same term schedule as your home campus (i.e., semester campus to semester campus, or quarter to quarter).

  4. The host campus (through which you take the online course) may ask you to provide evidence of completion of course prerequisites (i.e., personal transcripts or grade reports).

  5. Financial aid is available only through your home campus. If you’re eligible for veterans, rehabilitation, Social Security and other federal, state or county benefits, you must secure eligibility certification from your home campus.

Questions about CSU Fully Online? Check out the Frequently Asked Questions page.
For additional questions, talk to your academic advisor or email
Do your CSU classmates know about Fully Online courses? Spread the news that they can take 1 free* online course per term, if they meet eligibility requirements!
*No additional systemwide tuition is charged. Applicable fees such as Non-resident, lab, and the Graduate Business Professional fee are charged by the host campus.
**State supported programs are charged systemwide tuition. They do not include Extended Education and certificate programs.
The CSU Fully Online Course website was designed and developed by CollegeSource.
© California State University | Office of the Chancellor | 401 Golden Shore | Long Beach, CA 90802 |